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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Igniting Passion, Inspiring Success

At Metrobank, Human Resources Department waiting area were batch of young hopefuls so elated.

This day was the first day of their job. While on the otherside it was me and my business partner Ansel- with the same level of intensity and right state of mind we were waiting for the release of our last Paycheck. We were gainfully employed for the last ten years with the bank, just recently we kicked our Boss out.

The young are newly hired and we are newly fired! Either side we were on high and our level of excitement were uncontested.

For the young. its their moment of triumph having surpassed the hurdle of long years of education. they willfully obeyed their proud Mama and Papa "My child get good grades, get graduated, and get a good job" For reasons Metrobank is one of the top corporation in the land, Wow! its an honor for the newly grad and their parents to have it first with the Good hands.

Next side was Me and Ansel laughing out loud, we recalled how it was us once before. We were then energized and hopefuls. Today we take risks and triumphed past employment and regenerates our life with time freedom and financial independence.

Being young and young once we have same reason to be joyous for now, we know exactly how to be triumphant over each destinations we had passed. Its not what you are today, what you were before, the future is always clear. Its YOU.

Changing life is changing YOU, Decide what you want to be, whatever you may be. the difference is YOU.

Yes its YOU!

Set a new dream and you'll have plenty of energy, Set a goal that inspires you
(Philippians 3:13-14)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Visit this site, My journey to Health, Wealth and Happiness


Monday, September 12, 2011

Failure is never final

"Failure is the opportunity to start again intelligently"

In a life's ball game, sometimes we also take the ball and run in the wrong direction.  We stumble and fumble-loss of job, failed marriages, indebtedness and bankruptcy........and become so ashamed of ourselves that we never want to try again.  For fear of failing again we opt to crawl going back home.  Can you ever imagine yourselves crawling the rest of your life when God says "Get up and go back!"

We set ourselves for failure:
1.  When we don't plan ahead
2.  When we think we are infallible
3.  When we are afraid to take risk
4.  When we give up to soon
5.  When we don't accept the guidance from God

My friend, welcome to the wonders of human race.  We will fail at many things, we are not great at anything, we cannot sail through life with unbroken strings of success, at times our aim is off, our judgement is at fault, our timing is poor or simply called all these as an "EDUCATION"

If things haven't turned at the way you expected. don't blame or complain, don't make excuses, discover what you can learn from these experience and start again.  Slam the door of self-pity, Refocus and let God guide you up.  He has a unique way of overriding our big mistakes and bring good out of them.

Get up and finish the race!  "Its not too late to start over"

"I waited patiently for the Lord to help me and he turned to me and heard my cry.  He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and mire.  He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.  He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God.  Many will see what he has done and be amazed.  they will put their trust in the Lord."  (Psalm 40:1-4)

Dedicated to our success!
Raymond P. Red


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Creating Energy Through Teamwork

Thought:  Be a Team player
"Two people are better off than One for they can help each other succeed.  If one person fails, the other can reach out and help.  But someone who fails alone is in real Trouble, - Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

What if we group together 3 person, or 4. 5. 6........and forming a Mastermind Alliance - consist of two or more minds working actively together in perfect harmony toward common definite purpose.  If you are part of the teamwork, how would you like to increase your productivity and those you work with, practice these principles.

Emphasize the best in each other - Be a good finder and build up the confidence of your team by giving more encouragement and affirmations. Thumbs Up!

Never try to control each other - Domination is dangerous, encourage participation, and free flowing of discussions.

Encourage the free flowing of Ideas - Value everyone's opinion and Evaluate it later. Have fun!

Replace competition with cooperation - Set a clear define goals and let them see the big picture so they will understand how their part helps your Mastermind Alliance.

Give away what you have and watch it multiply - This is the  God's Law that really works.  Whenever you need more energy or ideas learn to share with others on your alliance, you will eventually receive more  back.

Yield the credits to others -  Remember you are a Mastermind Alliance.

Keep this in mind, "Coming together is the beginning, keeping together is progress, and working together is success"

Dedicated to our earth-shaking success!
Raymond P. Red

Monday, September 5, 2011

The leader In You!

How To Achieve Success In MLM in Philippines
Be A Leader!
Let’s accept it, you can never build your MLM Business if you don’t become a Leader!
And that is the honest to goodness truth my friend.

Remember this: The only reason people will Join you in your Opportunity is when they perceive you as a leader who can provide them the solution to their problem (Which is financial problem most of the time) and/or if they can trust you.
If they’ll see you as a person who has the courage and the commitment in your own personal journey of growth and development that create success. Someone who is worth following and listening. Someone that has value to offer them that they can learn from and use in able for them to succeed.
Not your products, Not your company background, Not even your compensation plan.
How To Become a Leader?

Simply decide to be a Leader Right Now. And that is all it is.  
Because no one in this world will appoint you to become one.
It is not something that will be bestowed upon you by another person or any company.
Being a Leader is not base on your income or your commission check
lt doesn't matter if you don't have any results yet
A Leader is simply a role that you put yourself into.
You will never be a leader if you will not decide to be one. Period!
Leadership is an ability to lead others and tell them what to do next and guide them to the right direction.
Here are the 5 learning steps for you to become a Leader.
1. Lead Your Self First
      The starting point for all leadership is learning how to lead yourself. In order to be a good leader you must first be a good follower that has discipline and control of yourself.
You must learn to control your emotions. Do you have a tendency to get angry very easily when things don’t go your way?
      You must learn to control your appetite. Eat only foods that will be beneficial to your body and not the ones that will harm your body. 
      Do you have vices? You know what will it do to you so keep away from those.
      The first step in learning to lead ourselves is exercising self control and steering our passions into things that are beneficial and not destructive to us.

2.  Believe in your true value
     Because if you don’t. Expect no one to believe that you are valuable either. You have to believe in your capabilities. Beliefs comes first before success. 
3.  Dedicate on Developing Yourself
      Be a person who has the courage and the commitment to develop himself and own personal journey of growth that create success. Face challenges and learn from them. True leaders expect challenges and find ways to conquer them. By developing yourself, you'll increase your knowledge, skill sets and your value to others.
4.  Provide Value To others
      After increasing your knowledge and your skills, you can now teach others what you know, And if you can teach even one thing to another person that is valuable, you'll become the expert to their eyes. In our industry, having something to teach is more important than having something to show off.
5.   Commit in Helping Others Success
      This is what this industry is all about ever since. Helping others! Focus on helping your people, your downline, the money will follow next naturally. If they succeed, you succeed.  
I hope you find this post valuable and it opens up your mind on the most important aspect in MLM business that you need to be focusing with which is Leadership. And don’t get lost in a concept that you need to have results first in your MLM business to become a leader.  I don't want you to fall on that trap like most Network Marketer specially here in the Philippines


Doubt and Fears, Handle it with Prayer

Doubt and fears (Handle it with Prayer)

by Raymond Pasimio Red on Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at 1:48pm
Fear and doubt go hand in hand. When we’re not vigilant about the idle action of our minds, fear and doubt creep into the spaces of ambiguity and confusion in our thoughts. Unexamined and unchallenged, they can influence our lives and our decisions in ways that we would not choose if we were thinking completely consciously. By identifying our fears and their origins, talking back to them and deconstructing them, and taking positive action to do the things that we fear, we can counteract all forms of irrational fear.
Don't waste life in doubts and fears; spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours and ages that will follow it.”-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Great and awesome God, the God who is greater than all of my doubts and fears, it is to thee that I pray. Thank You for the ability to focus my mind on faith, instead of doubt and fear.
I confess that I have given too much attention to thoughts of doubt and fear. Sometimes the problem has been that I have listened to the wrong music.
Sometimes, I have read the wrong book, or spent time with the wrong people. Please forgive me for my sins of doubt, fear, and my many other sins.
Please help me to keep my mind focused on trusting You. Help me to starve my doubts and fears. Thank You for doing what is best, in Jesus' name, amen.


We Belong to Success!


We are the world of talkers, we talk here, there , and everywhere. In Network marketing business almost half of our task is to talk, it becomes our life. What we say determines the outcome of our sales. The positive image and information we pass on from one mouth-to-mouth rules our business to last. The more we talk, the greater the odds that our mouth will be in trouble. As sayings goes "less talk , less mistakes and no talk is no business at all"
I read a book 'What Makes A Winner" by Whit Criswell giving us biblical principle on how to handle our mouth
and here it is:

1. THING BEFORE YOU SPEAK - Pause and put your mind in gear before opening your mouth

           From a wise mind comes wise speech. the words of the wise are persuasive. Proverbs 16:23
           Wise Word Satisfy like a good meal, the right words bring satisfaction. Proverbs 18:20

2. ALWAYS SPEAK THE TRUTH - Dishonesty destroys relationship. Avoid misleading ,  unbelievable              or   exaggerated claims regarding your Business, Products and Services.

             An honest answer is like a kiss of friendship. Proverbs 25:26

3. SPEAK THE TRUTH WITH LOVE - This is the filter for points. Never use the truth as a club to batter people. Refrain from bad-mouthing your competition, or Says your prospect is ugly so she needs to buy from you beauty products.

            Some people make cutting remarks, but the word of a wise brings healing Proverbs 12:18
            An encouraging word cheers a person up. Proverbs 12:25b

             Take control of what I say O Lord and guard my lips. Psalm 141:3

To our overwhelming success!