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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Are You Living on Excuses or Living Life?

Having spent many years in the corporate world, I found that most people liked to blame others and look for excuses. It wasn’t in their consciousness for the most part that they could really do something different or that they created their reality. I remember in my early 20’s when I was always complaining and grumbling about someone or something. Well, at least until one day, when a man I worked with named Burt said to me quit complaining and do something different. If you don’t like your job get a new one, but things won’t really be different, you’ll just find something new to complain about. At first I was angry and then I thought about what he said and I decided that very day that I was going to stop complaining and make it my mission to create my own life instead of complaining about things. I was reminded recently of that very conversation when I saw this awe inspiring video.
Check it out here and let me know what you think in the comment box below! For me it made me think, so what’s your excuse for not being, doing or having all that I dream of. I’m continually working toward that goal and this remarkable young lady inspired me to examine closer. I hope you enjoy the video and it reminds you too, to examine what you are doing and what excuses you have for where you are at in life and why you haven’t achieved all of your dreams!

Category: Inspiration, Mind Set, Self-Empowerment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
sponsor:  Royale Business Club - " Helping People is Our Way of Life"                                                                

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