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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Pray For What You Need, Not What You Want

Pray For What You Need, Not What You Want

prayBy: Jennifur / Source: Psychics Universe

Prayer Is All Around
There are some people that pray everyday, some that only pray on Sundays at church, or the occasional prayer when it’s convenient for those in need of something, like making it to work on time after they missed their alarm go off.
Even people that don’t believe in prayer do it more times than they are aware, like Meister Eckhart say’s “if the only prayer you say in your whole life is” thank you” that will suffice.
Prayer is a much bigger part of our daily lives than most of us are aware, and the signs are all around us.

Be Patient With Prayer

When you plant the seed of a prayer, you must be patient and have faith that your prayer has been heard. Your prayer may not always be answered in the way that you expected, or the time you were hoping but there is always intended purpose for your needs to be met.
Living in a society that moves so quickly with cell phones, social media, internet and so on, instant gratification has become common place.
It’s a no wonder people lose faith at times when they don’t get the instant response they are used to getting.
It’s hard to put your prayer out to the universe and sit back patiently and wait for it to be answered when you turn on your phone or computer and see others posting your hopes wishes and dreams.

Pray For Character

Prayer gives us the chance to connect with ourselves on a deeper level and understand what we do want, and ultimately in the end finding out what doesn’t serve us.
That is why it is important to pray for the things that will make your life happier like building your character as a person, as opposed to praying for material things that eventually lose their value in more ways than one.
Forgiveness, patience, empathy for others etc, when you pray for these things that begin to make you a better person, you will feel a shift take place in your life where prayers start coming your way without you even asking.

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