Building the Courage to Break Out of Your Comfort Zone

Dream Big Dreams
The first form of courage is the courage to dream big dreams and to set big goals. This is where most people are stopped. The very idea of setting big, challenging, exciting, worthwhile goals is so overwhelming that they quit before they even begin. But this is not for you. Sit down, write out your goals as if anything were possible for you, and never be afraid to dream big dreams.
Make a Commitment
The second type of courage is the courage to make a total commitment, throwing yourself wholeheartedly into whatever it is you decide to do. Al successful people of my experience are people who are living fully engaged. They are fully involved in their lives and in their goals. They don’t do things by half measures. They may have no guarantees, but they are not afraid to put their whole hearts into their activities. If they pail, they fail by trying greatly, not by playing it safe, wishing and hoping that everything will work out all right.
Move out of Your Comfort Zone
The third type of courage you need is the courage to move out of your comfort zone. It is the courage to move into your zone of discomfort, where you feel awkward, clumsy, and alone. The comfort zone is one of the greatest enemies of human potential. When people get into a comfort zone, they strive to stay in that comfort zone. Often their whole lives pass them by while they are furnishing and reinforcing their little rut of medium performance.
You need the courage to continually move yourself in the direction of your biggest goals and ambitions. You need to be willing to face discomfort in order for you to grow.
Step Out in Faith
You need the courage to launch in faith with no guarantees of success. Someone once wrote, “If every obstacle must first be overcome, nothing will ever get done.”
Courageous people are those who have a dream and set a goal, make a plan and take the first step, with no assurances and no guarantees that their efforts will result in success. However, if you look upon every step forward as a learning experience and every setback as a valuable lesson that has been sent to you to make you stronger and better, you will not be afraid to launch in faith into the unknown.
Risk Failure
You need the courage to risk failure. You need the courage to endure constant setbacks, disappointments, and temporary defeats. You need to learn to deal with failure by realizing that it is an indispensible prerequisite for success. You need the courage to treat failure as an opportunity to more intelligently begin again. You need to overcome the fear of failure by doing the things you fear over and over again, and then by resolving to bounce rather than break when things don’t work out for you.
Face Your Fears
You need the courage to turn toward danger continuously. Identify all the fear situations in your life that cause you stress or anxiety today. Decide what the worst possible outcome of each of these situations might be. Resolve to accept the worst, should it occur. And then take action to resolve each of those situations. Refuse to allow a fear situation to remain in your life, dominating your thinking and emotions and holding you back.
Be Willing To Make Mistakes
You need the courage to be willing to make mistakes and learn from them. All peak performers continually make decisions, make mistakes, learn from them, self-correct, and carry on.
Successful people are not those who necessarily make the right decisions all the time, but they make their decisions right. If they make a mistake, they accept it, learn as much as possible from it, failing and making mistakes. The more you fail and the more mistakes you make, the smarter you become and the more likely it is that you will eventually achieve your goals.
Accept Complete Responsibility
You need the courage to accept complete responsibility for your life, which means to take ownership for results. You need the courage to refuse to make excuses or to defend yourself. You need the courage to say, over and over again, “I am responsible!”
When something goes wrong, you focus on the solution rather than the problem. You ask, “What do we do from here? What’s the next step? What is the solution?”
You then pick yourself up and carry on, extracting the wheat from the situation and throwing away the chaff.
Persist Longer
The final courage you need is the courage to persist longer than anyone else. Persistence is the quality that will ultimately guarantee your success. Your willingness to persist in the face of every adversity can be your greatest asset. It can be the one factor that guarantees your success.
If you refuse to quit, you must ultimately succeed. Just as in baseball, you won’t ultimately hit a home run unless you keep on swinging. In 30 years of studying successful people, I have discovered one fact over and over. No one was ever defeated until they accepted defeat as a reality. No one can ever defeat you but yourself.
Dream Big - establish a goal, most people tend to make too many mistakes in goal setting, they set goal too low and they attempt to achieve them too quickly , make your goals larger and long term and break them down into short term components.
ReplyDeleteSet SMART GOALS - specific, motivational, attainable, relevant and time bound.
ReplyDeletecommit- "focus your desire, desire your focus" do things whatever it takes
ReplyDeleteCOMMITMENT - I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task that the Lord Jesus has given me..... ACTS 20:24
ReplyDeleteChoose faith instead of doubt - faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen. it gives as assurance about things we can't see. Hebrews 11:1
ReplyDeleteTRY GOD
ReplyDeleteWhen troubles are deep and your world is dark, don't give up hope, "try God".
When live turns sour and you've lost your way, don't give up hope, "Try God"
When fears stuck up and you're sure no one care, don't give up hope "try God" - Anonymous
Persist Longer - There is always time lapse before your dream becomes a reality. God uses the waiting period to teach us to trust Him. Remember, a delay is not a denial, Maturity is understanding the difference between "NO" and "NOT YET". God reassures Habakkuk with the visions he's seen:
ReplyDelete"This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place, it will not be delayed"
Habakkuk 2:3
I am confident I will see the Lord's goodness.....
ReplyDeletepsalm 27:13
we set ourselves for failure...when we are afraid to take risk.
ReplyDeleteFearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord Means safety. Proverbs 29:25
we set ourselves for failure...when we give up to soon.
ReplyDeleteLazy people want much but get little, but thouse who work hard will prosper. Proverbs 13:4
ReplyDeleteI can do everything through Christ , who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13
ReplyDeleteWE are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed , but not driven to despair, We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down but we are not destroyed.
2 Corinthians 4:8-9