In MLM industry lingo a junky is referred to as any individual connected with two or more Mlm company. A junkies is not always satisfied with what he has and uses consumer needs and their independent status as a valid excuse to join in as many Mlm company.
We may believed that there is nothing wrong being one except we realized the difficulties of building one network, what more with two, three and even more.
Before becoming a junkies please ask yourself the following questions:
1. Will your downlines believe in your opportunity if you are with so many networks?
2. In any MLM there is always a top earner and performer. Are they junkies? or they are successful ?because they focused on one network company?
3. Nowadays it is easier for the MLM company to identify junkies in their ranks, had it been you are one, do you think they will listen to you or treat you as their leader seriously, or they will be finding ways to eliminate you in their system?
4. How will your uplines and downlines will treat you as well? How can you expect appreciation and loyalty from them without you willing to give in return? Don't ever believed yourself that they will always be following you wherever company you join. You will have some, but most will not.
5. What matters to you most ? comfortably earning with several MLM companies or being financially successful and being significant?
6. So what?
Rest of the world assures that there is no individual who become successful and significant in the long term by being a junkies. MLM industry worldwide can attest to this.
Choose your MLM company wisely, never in a haze to sign in, doubt your doubts, investigate, ask feed backs, see the people who are in control, their integrity, their mission and vision, learn their products, compensation plan, pay outs and incentives, the support system, your mentors background, he might be a junkies in a white lab coats. If you are in, have focus on it, do all your best within first one year in your chosen Mlm company and watch your business grow.
Don't be a junky, Don't be greedy or you will end up losing everything or the only thing you have.
"Righteousness guards the man of Integrity but wickedness overthrows the sinners" Proverbs 13:6 NIV
"People of Integrity walk securely but those who followd crooked paths will slip and fired" Proverbs 10:9
To our earth-shaking success!
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